
Why are my muscles SO tight and sore after ballet?

Why are my muscles SO tight and sore after ballet?

Are you an adult ballet student who finds themselves extremely tight after every ballet class? Are you constantly foam rolling, using massage balls, epsom salts, and release techniques, but no matter what you do, you end up leaving class a bit too sore? You may find yourself wondering - is this simply because I worked hard in the lesson, or am I actually doing something wrong? Are you experiencing a loss of flexibility because of muscle tension? As an adult ballet student, it can be REALLY hard to tell whether the tightness you are feeling is because you’ve simply worked out new muscles or if it’s because you’ve overworked the wrong muscles. If this resonates with you, read on for a deep dive into this topic! 

The London Ballet Classes Challenge!

The London Ballet Classes Challenge!

If you are reaching a point where you can memorise all the steps in class, follow routines and more or less keep up, it’s easy to stop challenging yourself to improve. And that is why you should participate in our Class Challenge! In your ballet classes over the next week or two, try to see how many of these you can do! Let us know how you got on in the comments below: